Wednesday, November 2, 2016

Parenting Is The Best and The Worst

I’m sorry it has been a while since I blogged. Between Heather’s birthday, planning our trip to Disney, and Halloween we have been quite busy and it’s been difficult to find time to write.

This Saturday Heather turned one. This past year has seriously flown by. I know people say it all the time, but it really does feel like I gave birth to Heather yesterday. She is walking. She still chooses to crawl sometimes because it’s a bit faster. She has two teeth. Her beautiful blue eyes came from someone, either RJ’s Mom or my Dad (RJ has greenish bluish, hazelish eyes, and mine are brown). She can say, “Daddy”, “Momma”, “nana” (banana), “Hi”, and “ok”. She loves to take stuff out of containers and put it back in. She really wanted to help hand out Halloween candy, but that just consisted of Heather picking up candy and throwing it out the front door! When we are outside Heather waves to every passing car. She loves Rose (most the time) and will not take a nap unless Rose gives her a kiss goodnight. Heather has grown so fast I still cannot believe she is one.

Heather got quite a few presents, between what RJ and I got her and what relatives sent she had 5 pretty big gifts. She got a touch and feel book (her favorite), and some clothes from her grandparents on the RJ’s side in England (she didn’t get anything from her grandparents on my side). RJ’s aunt (Heather’s great aunt) from England sent a cute dolly, and some clothes. She also got some Minnie Mouse LEGO DUPLO from a family friend. RJ and I got her a classic fisher price telephone, and a vtech train with track. The train was definitely for both Heather and Rose. Heather just keeps destroying the track and RJ has nicknamed her “Heatherzilla”. It annoys Rose but they still have fun. I’m glad Heather loves all the things she got.

The cute dolly Heather got from RJ's aunt in England. She
hugged it instantly, and has slept with it since she opened it. 
I baked Heather’s cake, and made the frosting the day before so all I had to do was put it together. I made a chocolate cake with chocolate icing. I also made a chocolate Minnie Mouse cake topper with the number one on it. I was very proud of my amature baking and cake decorating, and I was so glad Heather actually dug into her cake. Rose knew what being messy was on her first birthday. She touched her cake with one finger, then cried because she was “messy”. Heather made a decent mess! It was fun!

This past year has been amazing but not easy. Heather is not an easy baby. There are occasions parenting her that make me question if I even want more kids. She sleeps pretty well but when she has a sleep regression it is awful. She is very clingy, and a huge drama queen. By the time Rose had turned one, parenting her was a piece of cake. We even drove between Atlanta and Nashville, staying in hotels for weeks at a time, for RJ’s work. Rose handled this really well, it was never very stressful or difficult. I cannot imagine traveling like that with Heather, it would be hell!

Heather's cake that I baked and decorated.
Parenting is not easy! I am so lucky I have someone who loves kids, and loves being a dad. Heather has been going through a serious sleep regression the past few weeks. She hates going to sleep, and she wakes up at odd times. On Monday, Heather woke up around 5 in the morning for the third day in a row. It was exhausting, she was fussy and tired, but refused to go back to sleep. After such a long morning when bed time on Monday night rolled around I was exhausted. Heather was clearly over tired, when I put her down in her crib for bed she began screaming bloody murder, and refused to go to sleep. It was at this point I lost it! I couldn't bare the thought of dealing with Heather crying and fussing for absolutely no reason, for the hundredth time in the past week. When RJ saw me break down, he stepped in. He gave me a hug and said he would handle Heather.  She screamed at him for the next hour while he tried everything possible. Meanwhile I put Rose to bed, did the dishes and picked up. Finally after watching the most annoying YouTubes on repeat for a very long time, Heather calmed down and finally passed out in her crib.

I am so glad I get to parent with someone who knows exactly when to step in, and help me. I know a lot of people who are not so lucky. RJ always knows what I need, and clues into things immediately. He’s incredibly understanding when he comes home, the house is a mess, and I asked him to pick up dinner on the way home because the girls were being terrors that day. He is incredibly appreciative when he comes home to an immaculate house, and dinner on the stove or in the oven, because the girls actually napped together for once. He is always understanding and helpful in every way he can. Parenting with him is a million times easier than I imagine it would be with anyone else.

Hopefully Heather will be a chill toddler. Rose was an easy baby but she can be a pretty difficult toddler at times. Rose is very strong willed, which at times can be exhausting. Heather is now officially a toddler. I hoping we make a turn for the best and not the worst.

I LOVE being a mother. It is just as rewarding as it is challenging. I would have given up a long time ago if it was not as rewarding as it is. I cannot wait to have more children! Parenting is hard. It literally takes a village, I am so happy for the little village I do have.

Thanks for reading!  

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